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  Mercedes-Benz Arocs 4163 SLT 2.3 8x6/4 tractor (WSI model) and Nooteboom Euro-PX 126-35(ICP)(V) modular semi-trailer with 5-line extendable ultra-low bed and 3-line integrated dolly (modified WSI model) carrying a 67.68 tonnes Komatsu D375A-5 bulldozer (First Gear model),   To be continued. Guy
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Joined: 9/4/2005 Posts: 3,403 Location: Le Muy - Var - France
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Joined: 9/4/2005 Posts: 3,403 Location: Le Muy - Var - France
   MAN TGA 41-530 DFVD 8x4/4 tractor and Goldhofer SPZ-DL 6 6-axle flatbed ballast carrier semi-trailer (Conrad models) loaded with 49.3 tonnes Richter Maschinenteile AG steel plates (Ladeguter Bauer modified load(*)),  Note*: the load was originally part of a Ladeguter Bauer assembly made of 3 scale O loads: two of 49.3 tonnes and one of 102 tonnes (as per my calculation with 7.85 tonnes/m3 steel specific gravity). The unique support frame was removed and replaced here by 3 wooden beams. Regards. Guy
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Other Ladeguter Bauer element:  Scania/Läxä R420 8x4/4 tractor (modified(*) NZG model) and Scheuerle InterCombi 50 L2/10 10-line lowbed modular semi-trailer (WSI model), loaded with nearly 17 tonnes of Scheuerle ultra-low vessel-bed elements (WSI model) and with 2 Richter Maschineneile AG steel plates of 51 tonnes each (modified(*) Ladeguter Bauer elements),   Note (*): lmodifications were as follows:: - NZG tractor: its fifth wheel was replaced by a modified WSI one and cab decals removed, - WSI semi-trailer: the vessel beams elements were removed from the 4-bed-6-line origin semi-trailer, - load: the 102 tonnes load was part of a Ladeguter Bauer assembly built for O train models: its original support was removed and replaced by 3 wooden beams. To be continued. Guy
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Joined: 9/4/2005 Posts: 3,403 Location: Le Muy - Var - France
  MAN TGX 18-680 BLS 4x2/2 tractor (modified(*) Joal model) and Faymonville MAX100 N-3A-9.30 (U) 3-axle lowboy (modified(*) Cavallino model) carrying a MAN TGS 26 440 BL 6x2/2 truck fitted with an Esterer tank (Siku model being modified(*)),   Note (*): modifications were as follows: - tractor:Joal fifth wheel was removed and its chassis milled, a WSI-type 5th wheel was installed instead. Two flashing lights were added on the roof, - semi-trailer: the Cavallino connecting pin was replaced by a WSI-type one, - tanker truck: the Siku wheels were changed to Tekno ones; the pipe stopping mechanism replaced by a small washer, the emptying system at the back plugged. A third manhole is to be added on the top of the tanker. Regards. Guy
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Guy: The Scania rig is over the top good looking. It could rank as one of my favorites from you fellows. Craig
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Many thanks for your positive comments.
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   Scania P380 6x2/2 with top sleeper and Oakley Supremacy body made of slide-out features accommodation and a 7-stall horsebox (Tekno model),  Regards. Guy
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 Volvo FH4-T560 6x2/2 tractor (WSI model) and Burgers BAO-15-27 GZ 3-axle double floor box semi-trailer with a Dhollandia DHSH hydraulic tailgate (modified(*) Tekno model),    Note (*): the Tekno model had its coupling pin removed and replaced by a WSI-type one and the "Scania" decals ripped-off, this model being specifically produced for the Swedish truck manufacturer (see page 8: https://www.scania.com/content/dam/scanianoe/market/tw/experience-scania/merchandise/New_Model_Catalogue_2019.pdf ). Regards. Guy
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Mercedes-Benz LAK fitted with a Meiller tipping body (Conrad model):     Regards. Guy
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The Conrad Mercedes-Benz with 2 Siku lighter tippers. The Poclain excavator (with its cab) is also a Conrad product:     Regards. Guy
Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 9/4/2005 Posts: 3,403 Location: Le Muy - Var - France
Poclain excavator (Conrad model):    Mercedes-Benz tippers LAK (Conrad model) and LK (2 Siku models):  Regards. Guy
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