I just had the opportunity to
finally open up my CCM Caterpillar 390Dlme that arrived last week and I can concur that this replica should easily be the winner in this 3 part group. However, and I am almost sure it's a fluke, I am not super pleased with the fit and finish on mine (#535). The "390Dlme" on the cab side is crinkled across the top half, the left side engine compartment door does not stay on the machine unless it is
firmly closed and there are a few small chips in the paint here and there. Then there is that hydraulic hose that fell out of the box that I can't seem to find a home for. But I guess if I don't know where it came from, it shouldn't be noticeable then!
I've never had a problem with any of my other CCM replicas before. They have all been "museum quality" without question. But with all the well documented manufacturing and delivery time issues that they are dealing with and delt with, I hope that my 390Dlme isn't a sign of what's to come (This is my first replica since all that has begun). I hope this isn't the "new standard". I will happily take a calendar year delay over an unboxing like today anytime. Don't get me wrong, I know they do great work and I'm looking forward to the rest of the ordered items, but now I'm looking forward to them arriving with a little trepidation.
I still remember Friday September 30th 2005 like it was yesterday. I was enjoying a nice buffet lunch at Caterpillar's Tinaja Hills Training/Demonstration Center outside of Tuscon, Arizona. What made that particular lunch memorable to me (besides that fact I was having lunch at the place that is how I imagine heaven to be like) was that it was the first time I heard one of the Petersons mention the possibility of a (then) 385Cl CCM replica. Today is March 11, 2012...I waited a long time to have this in my collection.
Thanks CCM!- Chris