The place the show is held at is a crane dealership. They buy/sell and rebuild conventional cranes, especially Northwest. Again, the dates on the pics are wrong, they should read 10/02/10/.
A Northwest 80D with shovel front live and in person.

This man could really run that old machine! No a/c or radio in that cab.

Every pass was a full bucket.

I should have taken a video of this. It's hard to tell from a still picture, but he is grading with the bucket.

This pic, you can see how he graded to make a level place to work.

Not the best pic, but this man is standing between the tracks in front of the cab, working either the cutting (steering) jaw clutches, or the track locks, or both, some of those old machines you couldn't do it from the cab.

The later machines with air controls the operator does that himself from the seat. Here are the levers in the cab.

Another 80D in the boneyard. A newer one with air controls.

A wrench that was on the ground. I put my car keys next to it for scale.

Dump on the edges, the middle will take care of itself.
Never look down on ANYONE! Unless it is to lift them up.