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I was undecided whether or not to start a new topic, since a CCM thread was started not-so-long ago, "Behind the scenes at CCM", but thought that the topic of the long-awaited D9H should be discussed. My DD9H model finally arrived today, edition number 500 of 650. As many on this forum are probably aware, this was a model (or variations of the D9H) that was eagerly anticipated by collectors since its announcement. Some time had passed, and due to problems with the first batch of models, they were returned to the makers in China, then a long, long wait ensued. I had ordered my DD9H back in January of 2010. With this introduction, here is my little review of the model. An overall view of the model:  My model arrived double boxed, with the yellow and black CCM box within. Upon opening, there were two small pieces loose in the box: the ball connection between the two tractors, and what I believe is a step (picture will follow). The DD9H is approximately 10 3/4" long.  Several things were noticed on my model: lack of a seat on the rear tractor, the right track frame (as seen if standing in front of the machine) on the lead tractor appears "tilted" slightly from front to rear. At first, I thought there was a mistake with headlights on the rear tractor (there is only one, on the left side (once again, if standing in front of the machine), but looking at a picture of a DD9H in the book "Caterpillar D9-D9R" by Thomas Will and Urs Peyer, bottom of pages 126 and 127, there is a DD9H showing the single headlight on the rear tractor (the headlight appears on the machine on page 127). The paint quality on my model appears to be fine, with no apparent problems. The tracks have some stiff links, but this is not an issue to me at all, since the model will be displayed statically anyway. The connection "ball" between the tractors is an easy fix, requiring just a dab of superglue. The other little piece, I have no idea what it is (it looks like a step to me, if anybody has a clue, please let me know). Nothing is perfect, and neither is the DD9H model. Was it worth the many years wait? In my opinion, I can live with the flaws, but certainly wish that the flaws were minimized, considering such a long wait. Yet, I can say, that I am happy to have a classic machine in my collection. More pictures:   And, finally a picture of the DD9H shoving the 666 scraper.
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I understand that the rear tractor does not need a seat, given that both units are controlled from the front tractor.
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Joined: 9/8/2008 Posts: 1,857 Location: Wheeling, WV
In the 4th and 5th photo, it appears the rear carrier roller is higher than the front?
Real men drive diesels!
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While true that the DD9H is operated from the front tractor, I wonder if there were variations when it comes to having a seat on the rear tractor: some pictures I have seen have the rear unit with a seat, and others don't. It was my understanding that the two units could be operated separately (when separated, of course), hence requiring a rear tractor seat. I guess that, when being separated for transport, or attaching the two tractors, who really needs the rear seat for the short time needed to maneuver the rear machine.
diecast dirtboy,
You are right. Looking at the model again reveals that the rear carrier roller on the model is higher than the front (which is not the case on the real machine, the carrier rollers are the same height). Another inaccuracy on the model.
Oh well, nothing's perfect. I wonder what the SxSD9H model will be like when collectors receive theirs. Please post a review and pictures of that model.
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I see your point. I had one in order but bailed in order to invest in another hobby. At that time I felt like I was going to miss out, but now I feel that I would not be happy with the model.
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I got both of the sets today. I can see a few very minor flaws, but nothing worth mentioning. My only thought is that the contol lines to the rear unit should be able to be disconnected so they can be transported. I was all set to get a couple of 3x3x3 rigs out and load them up. Going to see how much trouble it would be to make disconnect couplings for this reason.
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Mine came in last week, and I had the same issue's with it as you pointed out. (the ball being broken and the little step looking piece) As well a a couple track pins that had fell out, leaving the front tractors right track in three pieces. Easy enough fix like you say with some super glue and a steady hand.
The "step piece" is actually a hose cover/seperator that goes on the hard-nose of the rear tractor where the control lines run over the hood.
I have also noticed that on mine, the front and rear tractors don't seem to line up in a straight line, and it has a few good sized paint chips. Not a big issue to me, as it will sit on a self for the rest of my life, but I would think that for damn near $400 and a long wait that the Q.C. could have been a little better.
Overall I am super happy to have this model, and wouldn't trade it for anything, but it seems to me the quality of the DD9H is lack-luster compared to the D10's, the 390 and 992C that I have from CCM.
Are you an enviromentist, or do you work for a living?
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I've been out of town for the last 2 weeks and DD9 has been waiting for me at home. But after reading all the posts, I'm kinda nervous to open it tonight. - Chris
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First, here's wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy the holiday.
Before I run off to celebrate the holiday, I have a few comments about the DD9H to make before I forget:
JTL, I thank you for identifying the little "step piece" that was shipped loose. May I ask for you to photograph your model after you have installed the mystery piece on the hard-nose of the rear tractor. I agree with you, that overall I am happy with the model, warts and all. However, the QC should have been better, given the extreme length of time waiting for the final results (and for the price asked!!).
dumpsterToy Tr, Having the lines disconnect between the tractors would have been an excellent idea, now that you have mentioned it. If you do decide to modify yours, I'd like to see the results. It would be nice to separate the tractors for transport.
One other thing: an observation I have noted, and perhaps someone can clear this up for me: looking at the lead tractor, it has the steering clutch levers in the normal location on the console for a regular tractor, with the operator's seat in the normal location. However, on a DD9, the seat is angled 45 degrees, and offset to the left, and on the model, the steering clutch hand levers are still in the normal position for a regular tractor, placing them in an awkward position for the operator. I believe that the steering controls were relocated on a DD9, with the "snout" (for lack of a better description of the extension where the regular steering hand levers protruded from) was removed. Can someone verify this for me, and, if possible, provide a photo of the actual controls for a DD9H?
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Joined: 5/27/2004 Posts: 270 Location: netherlands
there is already a discussion on this forum Cat CCM DD9H
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I wanted to address a few of the details on the DD9H (and D9Hs as well) that have been asked. The control console extension should have been left off of the front unit during final assembly, which it wasn't. The factory did leave off the foot pedals though. The console will actually pop-off easily for those that want to eliminate it (as I did).
The front upper track roller assembly actually sits a bit lower than the rear unit, if only by a little. At least that is what our measurements and photos show of real DD9Hs and D9Hs. The large front track idler wheel is also a smaller diameter than the rear sprocket drive on the real machine. And yes, that front idler wheel should have been a bit wider to carry the track better. Not sure why the builder did it this way. It was wider in our drawings supplied to them.
The rear seat assembly insert was often deleted on all of the quads and SxS (R. unit). Field modified units often had the seat in place if a replacement donor tractor was utilized to replace an original unit.
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Joined: 3/1/2007 Posts: 392 Location: Acworth, GA. USA
Happy with my two D9H's (standard version). Minor flaws all fixable.. The D10's are still a higher quality than the D9H. Hope they get the D9L's right!
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Mario, Very nice looking model, sad to hear so many people are having problems with broken parts. As for yours and Dave's question about breaking these up for moving, are the hoses/lines solid or are they tubing? If solid, how about cutting some plastic tubing about 1/4 inch long,that these lines would just fit inside of, and glue one end, and slide into the other, so you can attach when together for pushing or pull apart when hauling. Dave, isn't a 3X3X3 a bit big for a D9H? Hope everyone has/had a great Thanksgiving! DanielD
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Some attention to detail and to set the record straight. In regards to the top roller mounting towers; on the real D9G & H the rear roller mounting tower is taller by about 2 inches. At the end of shift I've shoveled out the trackframes on these beast more than I would like to remember. I got to know them fairly well as I was cleaning every little corner.  I also did an extensive amount of research and measuring of these units years ago so that I could build two different models. The first was in 1/25th scale which is parked in my theatre room at home.  The second was in 1/50 scale and I built it as a retirement gift for a Superintendent.  I've also operated several different Gs & Hs through the years and had to clean the track frames on those too.  If you can ever get close to one with a clean track frame you can see that the rear tower is slightly higher, maybe not as pronounced as the CCM model, but there are other issues going on in that one picture causing the track to remain elevated towards the rear.  In regards to the rear seat; one unit I operated had a rear seat and the other did not. One time we tied a blowup doll to the rear seat, filled her bra with water balloons, it got plenty of laughs.. In regards to the single headlight on the front of the rear unit. The one Quad I operated had a 3 inch red tailight mounted in that bracket, it was connected to the engine low oil pressure warning and high water temp sending units. The gauges were hard to read since they were mounted on the front of the rear unit, about 10 feet away so they had that big warning light there in case something went wrong on the rear engine. I haven't recieved my CCM models yet. Ordered them so long ago I almost forgot! Regards, Randy
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First and foremost; thanks Randy for your post (it's been a while)! Nothing is better than truth and fact! With regard to these models; I can only repeat what I've said in the past about Norscot. Somebody at Caterpillar is signing off on these model projects. Blame them for this! While I'm sure that the pieces that are presented for review are great, what comes off of the production line just isn't the same. It would also seem that there is no random sampling of the product once in production? Otherwise these issues would be corrected? I can't help but wonder how many people have opened their models and thought (darn; I just got a bad one) when it seems that poorly assembled pieces are not isolated incidents. It's not the same without you Bob! Please use this before clicking "post"??? You may be surprised with what you see!
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Bob You are right on the money with your ideas. So that there is no misunderstanding; I also am not impressed with the assembly of these models. The project is Awesome! The level of detail seems great, but the assembly and paint????? What can you say? I don’t have mine yet, but I have seen some high resolution pictures on DHS and some other sites, not good. My main reason for posting was just to say; some of the criticism (track frame, seat and single rear light) was possibly in error. IMO. I can’t argue with the other comments though. Kind of a sad deal since the D9 was one of my all-time favorites, that’s why I built my own models. I didn’t just enjoy operating them. I enjoyed paying tribute to the machine. The Quad 9 defined the Gearhead/Getur-Done ERA! You just kept piling on horsepower until you got the effect you desired even while the mechanics were screaming at you! We do thinks way differently now. I had to learn all over today how to post with pictures since it has been such a long time!  That’s why I included the little bit of history so the newer members (that have never seen my post before) might learn; I’m not just shooting from the hip….. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Randy
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Received mine a couple of days ago. The front of the pusher has a paint repair on it which looks like hell. Looks like they attempted to remove the light bracket to convert to a pusher and tore out a large chunk of paint with it. Repaired with a paint swipe of not exactly the right paint. Wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't in such a conspicuous place. Like a zit right on the end of your nose! Considering sending it back. I didn't pay nearly $400 for work like this! Robert
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Well my CCM D9H came in last week and while I'm happy with the piece, like others have mentioned, there are some flaws. Overall I think the machine looks great and I'm happy I grabbed one at the time. Here is my short review... - Packaged nicely like all of the CCM pieces.  - Complete with the machine brochure which doubles as the signed & numbered authenticity card. Mine is SN#0081.  - Front quarter.  - Rear quarter. Here you can see some of the touch up paint that has been used on all of the 'axles', It appears to have been done by a small hand brush in a hurry and has the metal showing through underneath.  - A couple of minor flaws on the ripper that have been since fixed. One of the hydraulic piping lines was disconnected and for lack of a better word? The hydraulic merger boxes were both floating, are these supposed to be attached to the hydraulics?  - Some more flaws. The rear ripper hydraulics aren't stiff enough to hold the ripper in the upright position and the shank doesn't fit into the sheath because of over paint. I have filed down the inside of the sheath and the paint on the shank is still too think to allow it to travel through. The rear locking pin has also been painted too thick and doesn't travel through the designated path. Again, nothing a dremmel and touch up paint can't fix.  - Posing with a bigger cousin    - With the CCM 992C  In summary, this is nowhere near the quality of the 385, 390, 992 or the D10 but anyone with some basic knowledge of model building could fix up the flaws that I found on my model. I'm still extremely happy that this piece made it to the market, and thank CCM for making another historic piece available for the collectors. PS, great to see you posting again Randy! Welcome back! Rowan. 1:25th scale CAT 375L excavator
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Great pics I got mine but can,t open it till Xmas
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I really have avoided wading in. Last time I did the post degraded into a shouting match and was removed. One of my heroes, Randy, has set the record straight as to the accuracy points. Eric's comments are greatly appreciated as well. Quality concerns aside, CCM is still taking on projects, that no one ever would. Also lets further this discussion after the first Tonkin releases. They are notorious for poor fit and quality. Thanks to all, ps I love all of my CCM D9's. Graham
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