HRD Remco Kruis wrote:Eric,
I partly agree. But if you have the equipment at hand to reach the top you have to agree with me you not gonna chew away a building in the middle or even lower, risking the section above to come down on top of your stick/boom or even worse...
Problems that occur with High Reach is mostly;
- misjudging the building and it's construction
- not taking the sections down to almost ground level (not creating a slope)
- taking on a building that is to high (safety distance - Reach of the machine)
- or the ground conditions (basements, compaction of soil/concrete/sand) the machine is standing on.
Watching the video again, the large drop seems to have caught the operator somewhat by surprise, however he rode it out, booming down with the structure and keeping the machine stable all the way. Sure, a high reach may have been useful for that particular section of the building, but the 800 with short boom appears to have had plenty of reach for the rest of the structure. personally I would have preferred a third member shear for the task rather than a pogo stick, that way the piece could have been brought down in more manageable sections, (or at the very least I'd take a cutting torch to the top hook on the pogo, that's just asking for trouble) but still, he accomplished the task without damage or injury
there could be unforeseen circumstances here too, Cleveland is a nation-wide company, (4500 Km across give or take) The high reach boom could have been too far away to effectively truck to the site for one small section of the building,
-Or it could have been out of commission for repair,
-Or the proper tool for the high reach could have been in use on another machine/job,
-Or the operator could have simply not had sufficient high reach experience, which in many cases can cause more problems than using a standard boom slightly short of reach.
on another note, most operators I know will do just about anything to avoid switching booms. While I can't speak for Kocurek booms, Changing over a Jewell boom is a half-day (2) man operation. under a deadline any supervisor I've ever know would give the idea the ax right out of the gate.
Any way you slice it, things are much different sitting in the seat , getting screamed at by the super vs watching videos, and looking a pictures,
Eric W. Pioszak, Operating Engineers Local 701, Portland, OregonMETAL TRACKS AVAILABLE AGAIN! Cab guards Available again!
Grapples Available again!
Industrialscalemodels[at symbol]