Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 8/8/2002 Posts: 789 Location: Clevedon UK
Does anyone in uk have any idea the approximate price shipped to the UK? I fear the weak pound may make this model rather more expensive than it should be........pity, it will be a fine piece.
Mark Bridle
Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 3/14/2006 Posts: 204 Location: Sheffield, England
A friend has done some digging around with TWH who said that unfortunately (for us) this won't be distributed in Europe by NZG. There is another possibility which i'm currently exploring. I did some initial calculations based on a box the same size and weight as the Bucyrus 495 - initial calculations amazingly came back around the $250 to $300 mark for shipping US to UK. I then used a website called www.dutycalculator.com to look at the final sting delivered by Mr Brown over here.
Taking the value of $849.95, add shipping at say $300 and insurance at say $100 (guess unless included in shipping?), gives import duty of £38 (4.7%) and VAT of £146 (17.5%) so around £183 in total.
Adding all this up, it comes in at around the £1000 mark - unless someone can prove me wrong (which I would love someoe to do - please?). The only thing I can see moving is the shipping cost as i couldn't get a fixed price. It's galling to me that despite there being a market in Europe, no one seems bothered or has a will to bring it over here. Why?. The 495 is still freely available.
I don't think it's just the weak pound that's killing it - it's shipping and the sting for private individuals once it's landed in the UK.
Rank: Member Groups: Member
Joined: 7/15/2008 Posts: 71 Location: Bavaria, Germany
To my knowledge NZG will NOT handle the 4100XPC. spiel + modellkist'l in Germany will have it available for about 900 - 950 Euro incl. shipping to the UK
They have no shop but still, they will have..........
little more is always possible