Time for my yearly update.

Since last time, some of the smaller things have been completed. Updates include...
- Mounting and adding lock pins to the boom hydraulic ram.
- Trimmed the boom lift cylinders and attached them at the boom pivot points.
- Mounted the body super-structure to the slew ring.
- Rebuilt the final drive external covers.
- Started on building the rear view mirror and hand rails.
Still to complete...
- Boom lift hydraulics locking pins.
- Boom top hydraulic lines and fittings.
- Boom to stick fittings and locking pins.
- Stick hydraulic lines and fittings.
- Bucket linkage and locking pins.
- Add interior controls
- Finish rear view mirror.
- Finish grab rails.
- Touch up body paint.
- Re-paint udercarriage.
- Add Decals.
Anyway, happy New Year DHS

1:25th scale CAT 375L excavator